Aptos is becoming an absolute game changer regarding blockchain, especially regarding the introduction of its sub-second E2E latency.

Acceleration is the key to digital transactions. It is required in every scenario, such as swapping assets on a decentralized exchange (DEX) or playing an exciting RPG. Heated speed is the code word of today.

E2E latency speaks of the time a user takes for a transaction to be initiated and recognized as a finality on a blockchain. This involves the time taken by the transaction to connect with verifiers, get the go-ahead, verify, and implement the transaction. This is followed by ascertaining storage capacity and the confirmed status of the transaction for the user’s information.

However, in the case of coin transfers, it is a meager cost and has the complete backing of SDKs.

For greater speed, the requirement is for lesser latency and dependence on the elaborate framework and maximizations at every stage related to the transaction.

A mempool is introduced, which is a space devoted to incoming transactions. It verifies and sends forth transactions to the verifier set, wherein they are pushed into the quorum store. The prime task of the mempool is to set in-line transactions having been loaded and executed throughout full nodes and verifiers for protection from distributed denial of service (DDoS) threats.

The verifier factor offers an alternate state system via which user transactions are implemented through quorum store and BFT consensus operation.

The success of sub-second end-to-end latency on Aptos is an absolute landmark in the transformation of blockchain technology. With this acceleration and effectiveness, blockchain apps will release their full capabilities of roping in the masses towards Web3.